About me
Hi. I'm Jeri and in honor of my 100th blipfoto I decided to tell you a bit about myself.
I live in Oregon in the foothills of the Coast Range.
I've been married to a great guy for 36 years. Makes me sound old to say that, but I don't feel old.
I have one daughter and one granddaughter. The granddaughter is fawned over and spoiled beyond belief. (Although Hubby says it's not spoiled if you don't know any different.) If you're a grandparent you know what I mean.
I love to take photographs. I started out around 8 years old taking pictures with a little Kodak my mom won in a jingle writing contest in the 1960's. She won two cameras, she kept one and gave me the other.
My grandfather loved to take pictures too, and my sister and ...