About me
I live in the village of Arnside at the southern end of Cumbria. Arnside is on the Kent Estuary that flows into Morecambe Bay. My passions are for wild things and places, and I love where we live because there is so much beauty on our doorstep, the light and water, the shifting creeks and mudflats, the birds and flowers. We also have the Lake District to our north, and the views into the Lakes are a special feature of Arnside Knott, the hill behind our house.
I am married to Caroline (who likes to be known as Wifie) and we have a black cat called Bob.
I have been taking photos on and off for over 30 years. I had been using a 5 year old FinePix digital camera, until we bought the Lumix TZ5 for Caroline to use. I was amazed at the q...