About me
Mum of Two FANTASTIC Kids! 19 and 16 (lol) and the Best Kids in the World (with the Exception of Children of all the other Blippers). Married to the most wonderful husband in the world who has loved me always despite my failings xx
Stumbled on Blip via Twitter. Intrigued by these literal snapshots into people's lifes.
Delighted at the focus it has given me, and very excited that tomorrow will be my 100 blip in one row (6/6/10)
Wow! Guess what. tomorrow 15/09/2010 will be my 200th Blip in a row. That's more than half way to a year! I can not believe I have remained this focussed.
I want a BIG celebratory 200th. Hope I can come up with something lovely!
Thank you blip!
24th December : Happy Happy Days! 300 Blips on...