Tussock Tales
The Toes have it
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The Toes have it
Hi My name is Tussock, well actually it is "Silktrader Tussock of the Lake" which I think is a bit of a mouthful so Tussock will be fine. I am a girl. I live in an alpine village in the South Island of New Zealand with my Boss and Bossess and some guys which I will tell you about later. This journal is my New years Resolution. A picture a day and I will get help for this from my Boss as my paws are a bit too big for the fiddly bits on cameras. There should be K9 accessory available I think. Oh yes.. I am a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, very pretty (see picture) and I have all the great attributes of my breed which drive my Boss and Bossess crazy at times it seems. Can't imagine why I seem fine to me. My Boss does lots of things with cameras and runs a l...